5 Potatoes so far
An Watanabe (center) |
I am currently watching the Japanese drama called "Namae wo Nakushita Megami" (2011) -
名前を無くした女神 by Fuji Television with
An Watanabe (the daughter of well known Japanese actor
Ken Watanabe). The catch copy is "Welcome to Mama Friend's Hell." -
Each episode I watch gives me goose bumps. The story is about the mothers of kindergarten children. They call them Mama Tomo -
ママ友 - mama friend. Apparently they hangout all the time, but they compete each other in anyway possible not to mention with their childrens' grades to which elementary school they are going to apply and what type of lifestyle others have and much more. Endless jealousy and unnecessary revenge everyday. Somethings one does to another are almost criminally insane. I keep saying "can they do that???" all the time. One episode, one mother almost kidnapped another child out of jealousy. We weren't sure what she was going to do to this boy, because he was rescued just on time!
OH I wish everyone in the world can watch this! It is unbelievable!
Official Site & Trailer:
USA: DVD Available at Japanese DVD Stores Near You
Online Streaming Available if you Google